by The Medical Sanctuary | Jan 9, 2019 | Personal Growth
With every year we have the opportunity to review our lives, to check in on how it s all sitting so to speak. Work, home, relationships, kids, hobbies, oh and health! Take a moment to sit with each situation or any other situation that is foremost in your life. When...
by The Medical Sanctuary | Nov 6, 2018 | Health, Personal Growth, Womans Health
Every one of us has been through some form of trauma in our lives. Trauma can be experienced in many different ways and can be mild or severe. It can be obvious as in the death of a loved one, a car accident, moving countries, or more subtle in the form of short term...
by The Medical Sanctuary | Sep 1, 2018 | Health, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Personal Growth, Womans Health
Balancing all of your hormones, including sex hormones, adrenal or stress hormones, and thyroid hormones, becomes crucial if you want to heal. They are all interconnected; they interact with one another like a musical symphony. When any instrument in the symphony...
by The Medical Sanctuary | Jul 30, 2018 | Health, Personal Growth
Our husbands are great. They work hard to provide for the family and often carry the financial burden of meeting everyday expenses. Yet the thing that often gets overlooked is their health. Men are usually the last person to recognise when they are suffering from...
by The Medical Sanctuary | Mar 9, 2018 | Health, Personal Growth
Stress is inevitable in our fast paced modern world, it creates a survival fight or flight response in our bodies and was only ever meant to be short term. During stressful times our bodies secrete the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This sends the stress...
by The Medical Sanctuary | Oct 16, 2016 | Health, Personal Growth
Words by Dr Elen ApThomas HOLISTIC MEDICAL DOCTORWhat do we think of when we think of luxury? Pampering, rejuvenation, relaxation? This is exactly what our cells need to experience every day to function the most efficiently. In order for cells to feel nourished they...